Monday, 30 September 2013



So I have decided to take up this whole blogging thing! I'm thinking it'll be something fun to do in my spare time, especially as there isn't much to do now summer is gone and autumn is officially here! This blog is going to be a whole mix of things really, most probably hair, fashion, beauty and tattoo related as those are what I'm most into right now. Just to let you know I also do youtube every now and again. I don't upload/post as often as most youtubers and bloggers as I work full time and if I'm not in a good mood I'm more than likely not going to film/post as it wouldn't have my full heart in it! 

So here goes my first post!

If you follow me on tumblrtwitter or instagram (all OhSammiii) you will know that this month I was in FRONTS September issue! I absolutely love this magazine as it features all the things I love, tattoos, semi naked girls along other things. I sent my pictures that I took myself into their ALT DIY part as that's the only way to get featured. It was a month before I heard back as I guess they get a lot of entries and they sent my a questionnaire to fill out which had some rather interesting choice of questions haha!
I've also now decided to sign up to Suicide Girls as I got some rather good feedback from my pictures being featured, just need to finish their long application process aha.

Here are my pictures I sent in and a twitpic I received when the magazine came on sale!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, so glad you've started a blog properly :D

