Hair Extension ~ FoxyLocks
Can we just take a moment to admire my floral crown...
Floral Crown ~ Crown and Glory
So if you keep updated with my instagram and whatnot you'll know I've recently started wearing hair extensions again. I've had these for a few months now but only recently decided it was that time again, time to become a mermaid. I absolutely love this brand of hair extensions which I purchased from Foxy Locks. I've used them a few times before and always go back to them as they are of such high quality of hair.
I kinda want to purchase a second pair to dipdye turquoise like I did a couple years back and become a real mermaid but this will have to do for now aha!
Also filmed a video over on my YouTube channel on how I clip my extensions in and style them. Hope this helps as I've received a ton of messages on them recently.